in Montgreleix, at a 1260m elevation, the highest borough of
Cantal, the flyfishing only reservoir of The Estives Lake, welcomes
everyday nature lovers flyfishermen.
The lake, fed by a mountain stream and springs has an area of 3,5ha,
and is 7,5m at its deepest, is flyfishing only for trophy brown,
rainbow trouts and char. |
can fish from the banks
as 95% are accessibles, you can, also fish from a boat (can
accomodate 1 or 2 fishermen)
the fish are a good size and very strong it advised to use a tippet not
below 16/100 . If you fish with " Boobys"
use a 20/100 .
hooks must be barbless ( or crush the barbs). Maximum three flies on a
line. Wading is not recommanded.
Tariff |
One day
from 8h30 : 27€ (1,5kg of fish
kept )
Half-day (8h30 or 14h): 17€ (1kg of fish kept)
Evening only ( No-kill): 8€
Boat rentals: Daily:14€ Half-day: 8€
You can keep more of the fish caught at a cost of 12€/kg
10% discount for children and bungalow
With prior arrangements flyfishing lessons can be
organized |
On request, "Special Fishing Day" can also be
organized, with Welcome drinks and sandwiches, lunch, evening drinks
and cups for the winners of the Day! |
Accomodations: Drinks
can de served in the main building, meals can be taken there.
A wooden bungalow, just on the bank, and
several others bungalows overseeing the lake can be rented. They
accomodate 4 to 6. The seasonal rate vary from 200 to 350€
Itinerary :
From Clermont-Ferrand: take motoway A75,
Montpellier direction, take exit n°6 Champeix, Besse. Arriving at
Besse, at the first roundabout, direction Compains by road D36.
In Compains take D26 to Espinchal, there, turn left to Montgreleix from
there, road signs show the way.
For a complete and accurate itinerary :
Information: Contact Ghislaine or Alain Chambon
From outside France Tel: 33 4 71 78 84 65
Adress: Lac des Estives 15190
Montgreleix France
E-mail: lac.estives@free.fr
You can visit on the internet http://www.lac-estives.com
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