The casting float, buba or
bombette, invented in Italy, can be used to cast light lures at long
distance. It can equip a light tackle casting rod, or better a rod “special bombette”.
In the choice of the equipment, rod and reel, always choose the lightest, you will cast during hours.
The bombettes exist in 3 types:
Semi-sinking: for spoon, rapala, ,baits,
flies, streamers nymphs and wet flies.
Sinking:same as above
Floating:dry flies, nymphs, wet
and in each type at
weight of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50 g.
With a 4m (13') rod and a 25g bombette, you will cast up to 35m (120') a worm, a 2g spoon,
a 5g rapala or a 4m leader with 3 flies.
mounting on the line is simple, pass the nylon through the plastic
tube, thread through a small rubber ball , then
attach to a swivel
with a clinch or palomar
Your leaders, with a length adapted to your rod, and all equipped with
a swivel will be assembled and changed quickly.
This technique makes it possible to the fisherman to
start with flies with its spinning rod or light tackle rod. Or for the seasoned flyfisherman to vary his technique and to present its fly
to trouts always rising out of reach.
To build a 3 flies 4 meters leader:
attach to a swivel 1,6m of 20/100, then with a surgeon
1,2m of 18/100, cut only
one of the free strands to have a dropper,
repeat with 1,2m of 16/100. The diameters of nylon can vary
more or less but keep the taper which reduces mix up. For the spoons;
rapala and baits, a monodiameter leader is ok.
eliminate tangled line at the end of the cast, slow the line down by
putting a finger on the reel drum,
this makes possible
for the leader, which was behind the bombette, to unfold.
In my opinion, the best "bombettes are
made by Milo (Italy), you can get all pertinent informations on their
website (in English), see: Buba
And an interesting article by Mike
Connors in using bubble-float, sbirulino or buba as a non
conventionnal way of casting flies. |