Pêchetruite:   Mouches
Caddis DW
The fly describe in this page was created by Dave Wotton, 2 features make it special:
- Split thread instead of a dubbing loop, makes for a thin body
- A sheath or pupal case made of raffene or swiss straw  for translucency
Tying :Hooks 10-16 for caddis, nymph or wet flies.
- Thread:  One you can split : ie  Danville 6/0 flymaster no wax, same color as the dubbing .
- Abdomen: Dubbing SLF ou Antron, colors olive, brown ...
- Sheath:  raffene, swiss straw color: light green,  light brown or straw
- legs: Partridge hackle or brown hen
- Thorax:  SLF or antron dubbing a shade darker than the abdomen
DW_2_200.jpg (4742 octets)
   Prepare  the abdomen dubbing: build a thin, flat mat of fibers  about  4 cm by 1cm (2 by 0,5") do not roll between yours fingers.. Cut a piece of raffene 3 by 1cm, (1,5 by 0,5")trim it to shape as on the right. Lay the dubbing and the raffene by the vise. raphia_dubbing.jpg (1967 octets)
   Tying: Start your wrap behind the hook eye, lay a base on the shank down to a point over the barb. Unwind a few cm of thread and let the bobbin hang, the thread untwist, make a note of how it spins, clockwise or anticlockwise,  (you can speed up the rotation). After untwisting, flatten it on the fingertip and split it open with a needle point, slide the needle down to open the thread, keep it open with one finger. Split_aiguille.jpg (1521 octets) Split_aigu_doigt.jpg (2382 octets)
  Pick up the mat and put it within the split thread, remove your finger and let the thread to close on the fibers . Spin the bobbin in the opposite direction, don't twist too tightly . Wind the body .To simplify these steps go and see easier split thread dubbing  dubbing_split.jpg (1662 octets) dubbing_tordu.jpg (1706 octets) abdomen.jpg (1278 octets)
   Moisten the raffene, cup it over the body , tie it down , you notice how it covers the sides of the body . 
  Cut the excess.
raphia_doigt.jpg (1045 octets) raphia_pose.jpg (1599 octets)
   Tie the hackle by its tip, make  4 or 5 wraps, push the fibers toward the rear and tie it down.
Make a regular dubbing for the head , wrap it.
Whip finish and varnish.


hackle.jpg (1489 octets) dubbing_tete_120.jpg (1604 octets) DW_2_120.jpg (1940 octets)

 For other caddis pattern see  Links to US sites

Toutes les photographies: © Copyright Pechetruite 2000-2003