Harvey: Invented
by Georges Harvey, a well known American flyfisherman, it
is one of the best to tie dry flies with up or downturn eyes .
The monofilament is straight through the eye.
With a down eye hook put the monofilament
through from the top.
Then with the BL make a loop, under and over the standing
line BF.
Hold the line and the loop in P
for a second loop in front of the first one.
Hold the loops in P. Put the BL twice
through the 2 loops
your hold on the line and loops. The loops move over the hook.
Hold the BL and pull the BF to close the
Lubricate and pull the BF to tighten the knot
the BL.
The line is straight through the eye with nothing in front..
In breaking strength, this knot is better
than the improved clinch knot, it is fat and easy to tie.