Trilene-Duncan knot:
combination between these two knots, gives a very resistant knot, well
suited to the new products like impregnated monofilaments type.
Start by passing twice the Tag End BL through the hook
eye (loops A) Then with
the tag end BL make the loop B: pass the tag end under the
standing line BF, return
towards the hook and make
a wrap C around the BF and BL of
loop B.
Make 5 of these wraps C
the wraps. Lubricate and draw on the tag end BL and the standing line
BF to tighten the knot.
Pull slowly because there are frictions at the
eye and between wraps.
Christopher 2 knot:
New knot invented by D.R.Gore and recently published
in " American Angler ".
Its interest, its solidity and the
ease to tie it, no Tag End to put through a loop!
the Tag End BL in the eye and
bring it back
along the hook
to create loop A.
Hold the BL, the standing line BF and the hook in P and
with the left hand forefinger in the loop , make at least 3 turns,
more for
small diameters.
Give some slack
between A and P, open loop A, introduce the left hand thumb
and take together the hook and the Tag End BL , make them
both pass completely through
loop A
any overlaps in the twists, lubricate
and tighten the knot by drawing on the standing line BF and not on
the tag end BL which would waste tippet length! Cut the
Tag End
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